SUSAN AT A Southern Daydreamer, is our gracious host for Outdoor Wednesday. If you love the outdoors and want to see the great outdoors photos shared by our participants, join in the fun and check out Susan's blog.
Today I am sharing photos taken last spring. We suffered a late spring freeze which slowed down our spring here in the mountains this past week. I hope you enjoy the lovely flowers in the mountains of NC. I think you will also enjoy a waterfall in our area.
An amazing jack-in-the-pulpit.
These butterflies caught my attention.
Our mountain view from our deck.
This years first violets. They are a pale blue.
I love my lilacs and their heavenly smell.
If relaxing is your idea of forgetting life's problems. Just visit a waterfall.
Here's your chuckle for the day
Sign posted in a cafeteria.
"Shoes are required to eat in the cafeteria.
Socks can eat anyplace they want."
Blessings and love...Jeanne
It is so beautiful where you are, Jeanne...your mountain view, butterflies and waterfall are breathtaking! Happy Day :o) ((HUGS))
Posted by: Tracy | April 15, 2009 at 05:45 AM
You have such a beautiful view Jeanne! I love all of your pictures. I planted a lilac last year and it is only about 2 foot tall so far. Filled with leaves but no flowers yet...
Can't wait for the Saturday!
Posted by: Penny @ Lavender Hill Studio & The Comforts of Home | April 15, 2009 at 07:28 AM
If those are last spring's pictures, I can easily see why you so desperately want spring to come.
Posted by: Sally | April 15, 2009 at 08:30 AM
These are beautiful photos! The butterfly on the flower is really special. You home sits in a lovely setting. Cathy
Posted by: Cathy @ The Stylish House | April 15, 2009 at 01:53 PM
Love the butterfly photos!
Posted by: Lisa Shatzer | April 15, 2009 at 03:03 PM
GORGEOUS photos!
Posted by: Fifi Flowers | April 15, 2009 at 04:05 PM
The flowers are beautiful....but that view from your deck just takes my breath away!
Posted by: nikki | April 15, 2009 at 05:23 PM
Happy Outdoor Wednesday Jeanne..Sorry I haven't been around as much lately..... I haven't felt good. Thanks for sharing your photos.~ Susan
Posted by: Susan | April 15, 2009 at 06:43 PM
The view from your deck is so pretty. I would not want to come inside if I were you.
Posted by: Lisa | April 15, 2009 at 08:56 PM
Oh you blessed thing you....what a view!!!! Beautiful pics girl and I do so love a waterfall!!!! Hope you are having a great week sweetie!
Posted by: Picket | April 15, 2009 at 10:52 PM
Your view is heavenly! Only a loving God could create something so beauitful and I am so glad you get to enjoy it daily. Your flowers are lovely and so is the butterfly.
We are trying to get some warm days.
Can I ask what part of NC you live. We are visiting your state for the first time next month. I love all the pictures your share.
I hope your knee is healing and your therapy is going well.
Love, Beth
Posted by: Beth at Aunties | April 16, 2009 at 12:09 AM
That was quite a funny sign posted at a cafeteria. You are a lucky person to have such a view from your deck. Lovely blog!
Posted by: Joyce | April 16, 2009 at 11:47 AM
Jeanne, your photos are breathtaking!
Posted by: Joy | April 16, 2009 at 07:41 PM
Oh for a view like that - it so lovely there Jeanne.
Great pics of the plants and butterflies.
Posted by: Mary | April 16, 2009 at 11:22 PM
Posted by: ann | April 17, 2009 at 09:00 AM
Those beautiful red tulips popping out of the purple takes my breath away! Oh, you must love your Springtime!
Posted by: Patti | April 18, 2009 at 05:45 PM
chanel - colette, vdienrin julle foto's is stunning!! so bly vir julle. jul het voorwaar n sprokies dag gehad. mag die res van julle huwelik net so sprokiesmooi wees
Posted by: Mitsuru | July 03, 2012 at 01:56 AM
Great job, Jeanne! I knew it would be great of course :) So many of my frednis are blogging now that I'm having trouble keeping up but I will definitely try my best. You know that you have a like-minded friend in me with all of your healthy pursuits. Blessings to you!Jeanine
Posted by: Mujaheed | July 03, 2012 at 04:49 AM
Good to know that my common sense logic is not that bad after all Unfortunately there is lots of (and i mean raelly) lots of work before me until I'll be able to do it myself. Anyway, could you please share your thoughts and say which way would you go? Would you draw a shadow casting object on top of a shadow itself or would you use a pixel shader to remove portions of a shadow that cover the shadow casting object? Or maybe some other way? Any clues?
Posted by: Teresa | July 03, 2012 at 04:19 PM
For those who have inquired, Disney’s THE LITTLE MERMAID is not yet wlidey available for license. It will be handled by Music Theatre International, the licensing house that has handled the other available Disney titles. The Disney Company is experimenting with two regional theatres next year, to see what the creative forces of those theatres will do to solve the show’s challenges, and then they’ll decide what the next step for the property is. Those theatres are the Tuacahn Amphitheatre in St. George, Utah (opening in June of 2011), and then Music Theatre of Wichita (August).Thanks again.WB
Posted by: Kishan | July 03, 2012 at 06:59 PM
Thanks for including my atlrcies, Cathy! It's always fun to see what everyone else has to talk about too. SavvySelfPub recently posted..The Serialized Novella and You (AKA Working That 99 Cent Price Point)
Posted by: Urooj | July 04, 2012 at 10:18 PM
12160rigo Posted on Hola Boris hace unos momentos me enontcre con tu pagina, y desearia hacerte una consulta, tengo una pagina donde tengo productos pero quiero que estos no este9n visibles al publico, lo que desea mi cliente es que aparezcan los productos con sus respectivas discripciones sin el presio, que al agregar al carrito de compra en los detalles solo muestre la cantidad, que no muestre nada de precios, quiere que en lugar de proceder a comprar que sea Cotizar y de ahi haga el proceso como si fuera de compra o que mande en su defecto un correo de cotizacion con la descripcion de los productos y precios, si el usuario no esta registrado que haga que cree una cuenta y despues de esto mande la contizacif3n al nuevo cliente(o miembro) y que hasta entonces en el correo aparescan los precios de los articulos. por mas que le he dado vueltas no hallo como hacer esto o si exista algun metodo o extencif3nSaludos cordiales y espero me puedas ayudar muchas gracias
Posted by: Joy | July 04, 2012 at 11:37 PM
Julio Herrera Posted on Boris, una consulta, tengo la niedscead de NO mostrar el precio al publico a menos que este logueado, ya he visto algunos foros en ingles pero no me convencen mucho las soluciones planteadas (todas son muy diferentes), tienes alguna idea de como solucionar esto???, saludos y gracias.
Posted by: Abdellatif | July 05, 2012 at 12:23 AM
Anonymous Posted on si yo tambien qureio k salga para el wii tengo un buen de juegos de resident y si kisiera el resident evil 5 para el wii si sale nunca dejaria de jugar jejeje WII LA MEJOR SAKEN EL RESIDENT EVIL 5 PARA EL WIIjeje
Posted by: Kokou | July 05, 2012 at 12:33 AM