Please visit Sally at Smiling Sally for Blue Monday. If you are in love with the color blue, don't miss a visit to Sally's blog today.
Thank you Sally for our Blue Monday fun.
I am thankful that you are improving with your strength and health Sally. I am thankful that you still keep a lovely blog party going every Monday.
You are a dear blogging friend and I am thankful for you.
I love sharing my love of blue on Blue Monday.
Christmas blue is my share today.
Time to share our Christmas Nativity.
This has been my treasure for 50 plus years. I bought this in 1960 before I married my husband. The angel fell off and she somehow was glued back on at an angle. It makes me smile every time I see her like she is taking flight.
It is always in a special place in our home at Christmas.
Happy Blue Monday
What a sweet Christmas nativity! Thank you for visiting my blog.
Posted by: Jennifer Zuri | November 27, 2011 at 10:02 PM
Hi Jeanne..*hugs*
Your nativity scene is sweet and its so special because you have taken it out 50 times..*s*. I loved reading about the little angel that fell off and was glued and it made me smile also.
I am sure you had such a good time with your daughters and nice to be in warm weather too. I wonder if you are at home now. HOpefully you made it home before the snow. We have had temps in the 50s today and the whole Thanksgiving weeked was wonderful in all ways and with weather as well.
It was a little strange not having any snow and often times it is so cold this weekend when Marc and I watch the annual Santa Clause parade. It goes right past my street. This year it felt very comfortable weather wise.
I hope you have a great Blue Monday...
Posted by: Judi | November 27, 2011 at 10:23 PM
Hey I'm now following you. When did you change that?? I've tried before, but I swear it wasn't a google thing??
That angel looks something like me... a little slanted, but still going in the right direction, LOL. I know I'm no angel, but Sister thinks I am : )
Colt just left to go to his friends, just now. It's late, but he had an assignment due, actually two of them, so he was very busy these last few weeks. He's doing well. Riley has a girl, so he's been seeing her this weekend. We now have him on a so called "budget". He seems keen on it. He would like to take a little vacation to Mexico in Feb. So he MUST save his money.
All my little pressies and cards are ready to mail. My goal was Dec. 1st. I only have Claudia's to finish. I'm done reading the "CHICK BOOK", now I have to do some highlighting. I'm mailing it to Claudia first. Then she can mail it onwards.
Off to take a shower and crawl into bed with Randy. Early night.
Had a WONDERFUL lunch with my sister and Sister Lolotte on Sat.
Be safe
Posted by: claudie | November 27, 2011 at 10:30 PM
Posted by: claudie | November 27, 2011 at 10:30 PM
Hi! Dear Jeanne What a fantastic blue post and sweet Christmas nativity!
Thank for sharing!
Posted by: Only Cute Things | November 28, 2011 at 05:53 AM
What a wonderful Nativity! We had one very similar when growing up and I remember our angel falling and getting broken. We got a replacement angel, but it never really matched.
Posted by: Penny @ The Comforts of Home & Flea Market Makeovers | November 28, 2011 at 08:34 AM
Thanks for sharing this nativity with blue. I have a nativity collection, so of course I love it!
Thanksgiving was a wonderful day, even though we were alone. We spoke to our children by phone, though, and had turkey with trimmings. (burp!)
Happy Blue Monday, Jeanne!
Posted by: Sally | November 28, 2011 at 08:57 AM
Oh, the sweet, remembered things from so many Christmases past!! That's such a dear Nativity---small and with such pleasant little expressions. And the angel pointing, like Calpurnia showing the Finch children, "See, Sweet Baby, there's your DADDY up there!"
You have some of the most precious traditions and memories---I think often of how much I'd have missed had we not met, and I treasure these lovely things and times and people that you share. And the people that you've shared and introduced us to---several have come to be dear, sweet friends of my own, just through your kind generous way with sharing, like a warm hostess who wants all her guests to love each other.
Stay well and warm, my Dearie,
Posted by: racheld | November 28, 2011 at 09:42 AM
My Blue and Mellow Yellow Monday.
Posted by: Liz | November 28, 2011 at 12:58 PM
I love your nativity scene. I just put up mine. ^_^
Blue MOnday
Posted by: Mary, MI | November 28, 2011 at 06:57 PM
I love your Nativity. I think your Angel is sweet. What a special treasure!
Posted by: Jocelyn | November 28, 2011 at 10:56 PM
I love your nativity ~ and the memories it holds melts my heart. I hope for the same with my family over the years!!!
Aimee from
Posted by: Aimee from | November 29, 2011 at 11:45 AM
that is cute and lovely..
Visiting for BM! Hope you can visit me too:)
Posted by: Leah H. | November 29, 2011 at 01:22 PM